Gift Sets

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Decorative Soaps

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Bath Bombs

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Buy (5) Bath Bombs for $29.99 ($7.51 Savings).
Buy another (5) Bath Bombs for 50% Off — $14.99 ($30.01 Savings).

*Fifth bath bomb must be added to your cart and discount will be reflected at checkout. Extra five bath bombs must be added to your cart and extra 50% off discount will be reflected at checkout.

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Shower Bombs

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Buy (5) Shower Bombs for $29.99 ($12.51 Savings).
Buy another (5) Shower Bombs for 50% Off — $14.99 ($40.01 Savings).

*Fifth shower bomb must be added to your cart and discount will be reflected at checkout. Extra five shower bombs must be added to your cart and extra 50% off discount will be reflected at checkout.

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